How to Settup CDMA Mobile phone as Modem
Required equipments :
1. Computer peripheral, minimum class of Pentium III
2. CDMA cellular phone Nokia: 2280, 2115, 2116, 2126, 3105, 3125, 6015, 6016
3. Data Cable DKU-5 / CA-42
Software :
1. WINDOWS 98SE, ME, 2000, XP ( DON'T VISTA )
2. Driver DKU-5 / CA-42
3. Driver Modem ( nmpCDMA2000_1x.inf) you can download from website of Nokia
4. Simcard CDMA from your provider
Follow this steps installation :
Installation of Data Cable DKU-5
1. Insert CD Installer DKU-5 from Nokia (don't be connected your data cable at port USB computer before )
2. Install Driver DKU-5, wait the process installation finish
3. Connected the cable of data DKU-5 at port USB
4. Your PC give the message “ found new hardware”, select the “ detect automatically” ( CD Installer DKU-5 still in CD ROM )
5. Cable DKU-5 have installed in Your PC
6. Install Driver modem Nokia
Installation of Driver Modem Nokia
1. Select Program > Control Panel > Phone And Modem Options
2. Fill Area code with the regional code of your country
3. Select tab Modems, click the Add….
4.Then select “ Don’t detect my modem”
5. Select “ Have Disk”
6. After you of browse of file nmpCDMA2000_1x.inf which have downloaded, click O.K.
7. Select “ Nokia CDMA2000 1x 3G Packet of Data Modem”
8. Select the available port in your PC ( for example : COM 1 , COM3 , select ; choose the same port value with the port of data cable which have installed. This port is visible again in Control Panel/System/Hardware/Device Manager
9. Modem Nokia have installed in your PC
10. Making New Connection by Nokia 3G packet data as modem
How to make New Connection
1. Select Program > All Programs > Accessories > Communications > Network Connections
2. Select “ Create New connections”
3. Click “ Next”, select the “ Connect To the Internet “
4. Check “ Set up My Connection manually” click O.K.
5. Select “ Connect Using a dial-up modem”
6. Select your Nokia as modem
7. Fill name of provider CDMA as your name ISP
8. Fill # 777 as number of dial up ISP
9. Select “Anyone’s use…..”
10. Fill user name and password with your provider user name and password
11. Check “ Add Shortcut”, click the “ Finish”
12. Connect to Internet use the your connection
13. If you get dialogued box “ verifying username & password” , It’s mean your setting is success.