Smartbook technology is a combination of notebook and mobile phone
Company specialists from Germany mobile CPUs, Qualcoom Snapdragon in working on their site smartbook writing using the fastest mobile processors currently like Google's Android or Acer F1 Base Liquid Android Smartphone 765 MHz.
In his statement, smartbook will operate more efficiently without having to wait as long as the computer operates. In addition, smartbook no longer rely on the Windows OS as the operating system recommended.
Only Qualcoom not clearly describe what the operating system. Should it be a kind of open source Linux operating system or special.
As stated in the beginning, in terms of appearance is part of the evolutionary trend smartbook. Nuance thin, lightweight and fashion will be reinforced again.
According to predictions Quallcoom, smartbook dideksripsikan thickness no more than 2 cm with a weight of less than 1 kg. Although classified as light and thin, has smartbook battery endurance is incredible. Smartbook estimate Qualcoom able to operate for 8-10 hours a week plus 1 standby position.
Special connectivity, Qualcoom predict, smartbook be strengthened 4G technologies. Recent developments recorded a number of mobile phone brands in the market has been strengthened by 3.5 technology G.
So not impossible, 4G could be a mainstay smartbook future. In addition, also strengthened smartbook GPS features, features that become a trend in the smart phone market.
When pulled red yarn, which is described Smartbook is like a cross Qualcoom smartphones and notebooks. Related to this, is Qualcoom explained smartbook bridging product "chain" is missing between smartphones and notebooks.
The existence of the netbook is not believed Qualcoom final solution to fill the "chain" of the missing, but smartbook. You of course they like what they were smartbook form.
If you've heard rumors about smartbook newer version of Sony Ericsson is the image of smartbook seen clearly. Developing information that mentions virtual world, smartbook Sony Ericsson will be present as a model Sony Vaio C or Xperia. The difference, in terms of performance Smartbook Sony Ericsson using Qualcomm's Snapdragon chips are the fastest processor (for the smart phone class) like Toshiba TG01.