How to economize usage of GPRS ?
If you connect to internet using GPRS with the data packet of volume based, you can economize usage of GPRS, you can make cheaper.
Start Menu at your windows click Run : services.msc
Setting disabled all update antivirus.
Setting disable update all importan :
1. Alerter
2. Automatic Updates
3. ClipBook
4. Computer Browser
5. Distributed Link Tracking Client
6. Fast User Switching Compatibility
7. Help and Support
8. Human Interface Device Access
9. Indexing Service
10. IPSEC Services (very importan)
11. Messenger
12. NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing
13. Network DDE
14. Network DDE DSDM
15. Portable Media Serial Number Service
16. QoS RSVP
17. Remote Desktop Help Session Manager
18. Remote Registry
19. Routing and Remote Access
20. Secondary Logon
21. Security Accounts Manager (very importan)
22. Security Center
23. Server
24. Task Scheduler
25. TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper
26. Telnet
27. WebClient
28. Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)
29. Wireless Zero Configuration
30. Workstation
Its way right click or double click your mouse at services.msc,
select properties and startup type, click "Disabled"