Aphrodisiac Food
In addition to giving full sense, this food could give comfort sensation orgasm longer. Does not believe?
You need stamina to do the prime time round, paired with the romance. Physical activity at least you do become a reason to consume dozens of supplements and drugs of sexual passion. But some food every day that the food can be a passionate sex (aphrodisiac).
Stimulate testosterone Process - most seafood contains elements of the mineral zinc (zinc), which required men. Intensity often to have sex very need this mineral.
Aphrodisiac effect: Zinc is required to stimulate production of testosterone hormone, mineral zinc also functions as an anti-bacterial.
Muscle energy supply. higher stamina to the body because honey is a simple carbohydrate is absorbed directly into energy.
Aphrodisiac effect: Contained mineral boron testosterone works to improve the quality of which is the most important hormone in the male sex organ.
Aphrodisiac effect: In the chili there are substances that act piperine pressing the central nervous system and activate the nerve parasimphatic. This substance can increase the strength of sexual .. Substance is easy to infiltrate the network in the body and increase sensitivity nerve stimulus sensor make erection longer.
Eggs Increase passion.
Eggs evidently quite effective to increase the passion to decrease. They also maintain the benefit of fish eggs reproductive health. Aphrodisiac effect: Nutrition on the fish eggs have the ability to improve the nerve cells so that the sensitivity increased genitals. Egg is a source of vitamin B complex and is bound pentanoat acid in koenzim network in a useful stimulus to reinforce skin sensitivity. Koenzim very important in order to activate the enzyme in the body's hormone level is more stable.
Aphrodisiac effect: Gynecology vitamin B6 in bananas help the process of forming hormone testosterone. The increasing degree bufotenine in the brain will provide a sense of happiness, confidence and encouragement of sex. Potassium helps the process of cell metabolism and burning muscle activity. Potassium plays an important role in energy supply in the muscles ready for the preparation of sexual activity.
Aphrodisiac effect: there is a sulfur compound in garlic function as activator enzyme glutathione is encouraged to improve sexual function and improve blood circulation in the area of sex both men and women. Regular consumption of onions each day will increase 25 times the flow of blood from the pelvis at the time of the process erection.