Make Additional Software In The Windows XP installer
Type this code with notepad
@echo off
TITLE Windows XP – Extra Install
Color 1f
ECHO ——————————————————————————
ECHO Required a few minutes system will install
ECHO Some applications and tweak registry. Waiting untill processing complete
ECHO ——————————————————————————
ECHO Installing. Wait………………………
ECHO Install 7Zip 4.60 BETA …
start /wait %SOURCE%\extra\7z460.msi /qb
ECHO Install WinAmp 5.5 …
start /wait %SOURCE%\extra\Winamp55.exe /S
start /wait %SOURCE%\extra\WinAmp_WMP11_Skin.exe
ECHO Install WinRAR 3.71…
start /wait %SOURCE%\extra\WinRAR3.71.exe /S
ECHO Install Microsoft Office 2003 …
start /wait %SOURCE%\extra\MicrosoftOffice2003lite33Mb.exe
Save to *.cmd or * .bat. file
Run N-Lite, at step “unattended” in the menu “general” choose -Prompt Repair-(to display F8 in process installation windows) and at the menu “RunOnce” fill address where your file *.cmd saved, example : %SOURCE%\extra\start.cmd and click ADD.
Hence at first logon after installation process finish the system will run the file *. cmd and the installation of extra software will run.
Note :
start = command to start
/wait = command to wait (wait till processing finish)
extra = software location will to install
/S /qb = Command to install (S= Silent qb=quiet)
each application has the silent setup and you can choose compatible type / quiet, / q, / qb, / qn, / v, / verysilent, / auto, and still a lot of again
All application which I include in to folder extra is silent installation ( there is not interaction from user)
To know more about command silent type msiexec.exe