Breast Cancer
The first guestion that crosses a patient's mind is : "Am I going to die ?" In order to answer this difficult guestion, this article will give a more thorough understanding of the breast concer and how it spreads.
Our body is made up of building block called cells. They are joined together to perform various function in our body. For example brain cells help us to think, muscle cells contract and help us to move our finger.
The main function of the breast is to produce milk for the baby. Milk is produced by cells in the milk gland (called a lobule) and transported to the nipple via milk tubes (called ducts). Breast cancer is formed from the cells lining the milk ducts (ductal cancer ) and cells in the milk gland (lobular cancer)
The functions of a cell is controlled by genes. Genes are the memory chips of our body and they are stored in the brain of the cell (called nucleus). Genes are inherited from parents and they determine all our characteristics e.g. Intelligence, height, hair collour, etc.
Genes also control cells growth. New cell are formed by cell division i.e one cell divides into two identical cells. After performing is its function, an old cell dies - to be replaced by new cells. The live of a cell is controlled by growth genes. If these abnormal, a bell continnues to grow and divide instead of dying. These abnormal cells multiply, forming more abnormal cells. Thus a cancer is formed.
Abnormal genes (called mutated genes) can be inherited or formed within our body as a result of effects of environmental agents (radiation, toxic chemicals, biological agents such as viruses). There are many growth genes in our body. However it is currently unknown how many of them need to be affected in order for breast cancer to form.
A cancer cell is dangerous because it behaves like a criminal. The criminal recruits new members and form secret organizations which infiltrate into all areas of our society.
Likewise, a cancer bell can multiply to form a group of cancer cell - together called a lump or mass. The cancerous lump grows bigger and invades other areas of the breast.
The cancer cell can infiltrate into the blood stream and escape from the breast. They travel to other parts of the body, lodge there and grow into new cancers. These secondary cancer are metastases. The organs most commonly affected by metastases from breast cancer are the bones, lungs, liver and the brain.
The lymphatic system as our defense mechanism againt foreign invasion. The female breast is guarded by lymph stations called lymph nodes which are situated in the armpit and behind the sternum (breast bone). Cancer cells can also infiltrate into the lymphatic channels and become trapped in the lymph modes.
If left unchecked, a breast cancer grows and destroys the breast. The skin of the breast breaks down, forming a large a wound that becomes infected and causes bleeding. It can spread to the lymph nodes and the other part of the body forming new cancer. These metastases cause more damage (bone fractures, water in the lunges, jaundice from liver damage ) and eventually the victim dies from the cancer. Notes its similarity to the example of criminal.