NASA denies rumors of doomsday 2012
U.S. Space Agency, NASA, confirmed predictions that the end will occur on December 21, 2012 are unfounded. NASA heavily campaigned little to counter the rumors that circulated long enough. Even some movies about the end of 2012 has inspired Hollywood.
Finally, Sony Pictures, launch a movie with the title "2012" which began playing in U.S. cinemas. The film's production cost reached 200 million dollars, which the story is based on the Mayan calendar which take account of Resurrection will come in 2012.
Doomsday scenario, according to the Maya, is Planer X or Nibiru also called will hit the earth. Rumors are circulating through the Internet mentions this mysterious planet discovered by the Sumerians. Opinion which is supported by a series of false and paranormal researchers.
Some sites even accused NASA tried to cover up the existence of a mysterious planet that threatens the Earth, but NASA insisted that the rumor was just sheer nonsense. "There is no clear basis of the fact that there is a mysterious planet that threatens the earth," the NASA statement on Web site.
As quoted in the NASA site, if this were to happen collision, astronomers can not see it at least since a decade ago. And if there planet moves closer to the earth, it can even be seen with the naked eye. "Clearly no such thing was happening."
NASA scientists claim around the world are researching space do not see any major threat that will occur on earth in 2012. Aka planet earth blue planet is inhabited by humans have survived for more than 4 billion years.
Space observations have previously did detect the presence of planets Eris, discovered in 2005 by U.S. astronomer, floating in space. However, small planets with very cold temperatures and slightly larger pluto the planet is expected NASA would remain outside our solar system, and will not be located closer than 6.4 billion miles from Earth.
Currently in various bookstores around the world can easily find books that contain the Maya's prediction. Mentioned earlier prediction of Resurrection will occur in May 2003, but when at that moment nothing happened, the date of the prophecy then cooked them again to 2012.
Even the Mayan calendar calendar does not end on December 21, 2012, but there is a period after that. And the calendar is not even mentioned the parallel position of planets in the next few decades.
If the planets are lined up parallel to the way that some people predicted to happen, it was not a significant impact on the earth.
NASA is ready to prove that the prediction of storm geomagnetik, reversal of the poles of the earth or the earth's crust instability will destroy the earth is not true.
There are several myths that mention that the rotation of the earth and the earth's magnetic poles have a relationship, with each passing of the earth's magnetic poles every 400 thousand years.
"As far as we know change is not a dangerous magnet for life on planet Earth. They also hold the view that reversal of the earth's rotation is impossible. Changes reversal of Earth's magnetic field is also considered not going to happen in some future millennium.
While comets and asteroids that hit the earth is something that often happens, but large bumps very rare. The last time it affects what is in the earth 65 million years ago, which allegedly caused the extinction of dinosaurs.
"We're pretty sure there are no earth-threatening asteroids that could make the impact as 65 million years ago," the NASA statement. By Republika Newsroom