2012 : Doomsday Controversy
In the book 'Apocalypse 2012' (Lawrence E. Joseph: 2007), author of Lebanon's bloody served as Chairman of the Board of Director Aerospace Consulting Corporation in New Mexico is presented very clearly and scientifically about the possibility of natural disasters in the year.
Disasters, among others: cycles of solar activity peaked in 2012 which caused tremendous heat in the earth, especially the atmosphere we've experienced thinning and holes in some parts, so besides heating the Earth with radical also melt the ice at the poles and also caused a storm and typhoon powerful.
Earth's magnetic field that serves as the primary defense of the earth to solar radiation began to crack and some even to the size of California here and there. Shift the poles are also ongoing.
Our solar system is entering the field of interstellar energy cloud. Clouds that activate and destroy the balance of the sun and the planets atmosphere. The Russian geophysicist argues that when the earth will enter the energy cloud in 20,120 years until 2020 and will cause great disaster like never before.
UC Berkeley physicist says dinosaurs and other species have become extinct due to a giant asteroid collision 65 million years ago. According to the calculated cycle scientifically, it should have happened again in the present moment.
Yellowstone has super vulkanic eruption cycle every 600 to 700 thousand years old was about to erupt again. Several other scientific chance helped support this view.
Interestingly, the Mayans prediction (Hopi tribe also, Ancient Egypt, and several other ancient tribes) in the calendar with the details revealed if the year is the end of 2012 and beginning a new era. Like the birth of a human child, the birth of this new era will be filled with blood. Maya is one of the ancient tribes in the world known as the tribe that is very detailed attention and count the stars and other heavenly bodies.
Ancient Book of China, the I Ching, also declared major disaster will occur in 2012.
Some modern ativitas also related to the year 2012, the Dateline large-scale modernization of the Pentagon be hit missile in post September 11, 2001, deadline for the implementation of Codex Alimentarius are working to reduce the human population on earth with genetic engineering and GM foods, and so on.
A Jewish spiritual leader named Titzchak Qadduri world long ago had called the Jews to the land as soon as possible to leave the United States because, according to his calculations, a giant comet or asteroid was sliding in the universe and lead, and will grind to mainland America.
But the fact that predictions about the end no one knows when it will happen. And the Hour is surely going to happen, we believe because we are people who have a religion