Preventing Diabetes Since early
According to world health organization (WHO) the number of people with this disease more than 180 million people worldwide are expected in 2030 will double once more. In the year 2005 some 1.1 million people died, 80% of them occurred in low-income countries and middle. WHO says that the threat of diabetes also occurs at a young age, in children and adolescents.
Diabetes mellitus
Diabetes comes from the word "diabere", which means a tube to drain fluid from one place to another. Mellitus means honey. So diabetes mellitus is a disorder characterized by a rise in blood sugar levels are chronically.
Blood sugar levels associated with the hormone insulin. Hormones are issued by the pancreas gland, this hormone works to lower blood sugar by means store it in the heart. In other words, diabetes is a pancreas disorder that can not produce enough insulin, so the body can not change the blood sugar into energy.
There are 3 types of diabetes, namely type 1, type 2 and gestational diabetes (which only occurs during pregnancy). Type 1 diabetes, the patient's body does not produce insulin little or no insulin. Diabetes does not occur in children and can be overcome with the help of insulin injections.
Type 2 diabetes mellitus, conditions the body can not use the insulin effectively, although the body produces insulin but the hormone is not functioning. This type is called Diabetes Mellitus and does not depend on insulin.
Gestational diabetes mellitus (DMG) is the increase in blood sugar levels during pregnancy.
Risk Factors
In type 2 diabetes:
- Risk factors that can not be changed, race, ethnicity, family history, age 45 years and above, have experienced DMG, history has given birth weight more than 4 kg, or lower.
- Risk factors that can be repaired, the weight obesity, lack of activity, hypertension, and high-sugar diet low in fiber
Another risk factor is polycystic ovary syndrome / insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular history.
Diabetes is largely caused by lifestyle. Handling of the most important diabetes is lifestyle change, which must be balanced between diet with physical activity. So that we can prevent the disease of Diabetes.
Should note that blood sugar levels high for a long time can cause damage to blood vessels in the retina or call diabetica retinopathy that can cause blindness.
Tips for diabetics
1. Foods that need to be considered, the patient requires nutrients carbohydrates, fats and proteins respectively 45-65%, 20-25%, and 10-20% of total calories in food a day. Servings of food should be kept: Eat only when hungry, consider the composition of food labels, avoid simple carbohydrates like honey, syrup, jam, soft drinks, consumption of complex carbohydrates such as fruits, vegetables, tubers, rice, soybeans.
2. Physical exercise, physical exercise does not have a particular sport, you can do activities that easily fit your environmental situation, among other things: reduce the use of remote control, walking around the couch, select the park in distant places, reduce the elevator, select hobby that makes you a lot of moves.