Hypertension, a dangerous disease which overlooked
Many cases of hypertension in the community suffered. Patients feel a headache to visual impairment. Uncontrolled hypertension will be at risk of serious complications such as heart attacks and strokes.
Blood pressure was measured with a device called sphygmonometer, usually referred to by two numbers, eg 120/80 mmHg. Number 120 is the systolic pressure, is the pressure when the heart muscle to contract and pump blood. Number 80 is called diastolic blood pressure, a pressure between the two heart rate when the heart is resting and filling with blood.
If at the first examination found high blood pressure, tests will be repeated several weeks later, before finally determined the correct type of treatment. Some tests may be needed to determine the effect of blood pressure on the body such as urine tests, cholesterol, blood sugar, kidney function and cardiac record.
Based on the recommendation of the Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee of Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatmentof High Blood Pressure (JNC VII), classification of blood pressure (in mmHg) divided into:
• Normal: systolic <120, Diastolok <80
• Prehypertension: systolic 120-139, diastolic 80-99
• Stage 1: systolic 140-159, diastolic 90-99
• Stage 2: systolic ≥ 160, diastolic ≥ 100
Hypertension is divided into primary and secondary hypertension. In primary hypertension the cause is unclear but several factors can affect your lifestyle such as smoking, family history, obesity, alcohol, exercise less, and the food.
Secondary hypertension, hypertension caused by other diseases, such as kidney disease, steroid drugs, or pregnancy.
Complications of hypertension include: disorders of the heart and blood vessels such as chest pain (angina), stroke, heart attack, and heart rhythm disturbances, and damage to kidney and vision damage.
Hypertension can be controlled with lifestyle changes and medications. Lifestyle changes recommended are:
• Stop smoking
• low-salt diet, low fat
• Reduce alcohol consumption
• Routine Sports
• Losing weight.
• Reduce stress.
There are various groups nmenurunkan drugs for blood pressure, each has different mechanisms in lowering blood pressure. Choice of drug used depends on many factors, including factors of age, and factors other diseases suffered by patients.