Why Dani can cause allergies?
House dust is a risk factor for allergy (allergen). At least 75% occurrence of dust allergy caused by house, and 50% -80% of the incidence of asthma in the world is also caused by house dust.
Have you ever heard the term Sick House Syndrome? How might a house can make residents sick? It's true! Found scattered about the house dust can cause many health problems such as: allergies, cough, runny nose, to reduce the degree of IQ children.
The use of carpets, blankets, curtains, it could lead to the development of house dust mites called (house dust myth) or that in Japanese is called Dani. Dani which means dust or dust mites Committee (Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus) is a kind of animal lice are very small in size 250-300 microns, so as not to appear to the eye. This animal microscope new look with a magnification of at least 20 times. Oval shape with the fruit amount to 8 feet.
Dani is living in the dust and the dust comes from. Actual dust heap all kinds of particles that come from dead skin cells, pet hair, crumbs, mushroom spores, and so on. Dander is a dust mite's favorite food.
Food Dani is our dander natural change. Dani's like to live in a warm room (25-30 Celsius) with high humidity 60-80% and poor ventilation.
Actually Dani was not dangerous, the danger was feces in the form of beads round (round fecal pellets) with a size of 20 microns and contains a protein that is released by Dani. This protein that causes an allergic reaction (allergen)