Positive information about the benefits of nuts, chocolate, and wine
It seems not all that you like is not good for your health. Now there is good information, if the first wish to refrain from eating chocolate, now you can eat it, even if it you do not eat as much as possible. Several pieces of chocolate may lower high blood pressure, strengthen tooth enamel, and provide essential nutrients, such as writing in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
People who like to eat may eat peanut butter but without the salt. All nuts have the positive effect on the heart, it is best to peanuts, pistachios and macadamias. Almond good for bones and blood pressure. Selenium and vitamin E in the Brazil nut has a special benefit for the prostate. Pecan kind can help remove cataracts and macular degeneration (vision loss due to old age) because of high levels of antioxidants. Walnut has several benefits, including trigger serotonin, a chemical that causes feelings of love that fight depression.
How about a cocktail? A new study reported in the journal neurology show people who suffer from mild cognitive impairment, with a cocktail glass a day may slow dementia.